Legislative Resources & Tools

Living in a representative democracy, we elect officials to the House of Representatives and to the Senate — there they pass laws on our behalf and to serve our interests. However, these officials need to be held accountable and we need to be consistent in lifting our voices — especially from immigrant communities — on the issues that affect us. This is a concern for all of us in the U.S., including non-citizens.

In this period, immigration policy change that is centered on human rights and dignity for all, will require community pressure to push for congressional approval, particularly those policies that require funding. NNIRR believes we need to closely monitor Congress, actively engage with elected officials on the issues, and press our opinions on multiple levels — whether in petitions, direct phone messages, visits in DC and locally, street actions and more.

Here are some tools that will help you keep Congress accountable!

Contact Your Congressional Representatives

Here is a video from Brave New Films that explains how to do it and why you should do it.

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. Find your Congressional Representatives here and find your Senators here, enter your zip code and look up contact information for your elected leaders.


Check out this educational tool, a free download that is part of our BRIDGE popular education program. This is a great tool to spark further dialogue and discussion to help build a strong movement. It will help you to raise awareness on legislative issues and shows how legislative advocacy can be a powerful organizing vehicle.

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