Join the International Migrants’ Day ‘Tweet Storm’ Today
Today, December 18, is International Migrants’ Day — a day when worldwide we recognize and celebrate the role and contributions of migrants in our communities and countries — and mourn the loss of of those whose often desperate journeys have taken their lives. The UN theme for today is “Migration with Dignity”.
Please join us on International Migrants’ Day in calling for justice and dignity for ALL migrants in the U.S. and globally.
Appropriately today, communities across this country are rallying in support of asylum seekers, organizing solidarity trips to the border, calling for an end to border militarization funding, for an end to detention, and to provide protection for TPS (Temporary Protected Status) holders who may face deportation this year. (Click here for organizational sign-on to letter to Congress for TPS holders. Deadline 8 pm Eastern today)
Shout out against racism and xenophobia on social media, in community activities and actions. Let’s lift up our demands for an end to immigrant detentions and deportations, and for a halt and rollback of border militarization.
Share your messages, photos and activities for migrant rights and justice throughout the day on both Twitter and Facebook with these tags:
Click here for NNIRR’s resource page on International Migrants’ Day
Let’s storm social media with our call for rights and justice!
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The Global Compact for Migration Approved
On International Human Rights Day, Dec. 10, 164 countries approved the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), a landmark document achieved in the face of — and despite — today’s racist and xenophobic environment. The GCM provides a multilateral approach to addressing the many dimensions of global migration, but its positive contributions will concretely be measured in the hard work to ensure rights-based policies and practices at national and regional levels.
Several concerns remain about this negotiated, non-binding document (the Trump Administration had withdrawn from the process last year), and civil society advocates, including NNIRR, urged governments to view the Compact as “a floor, not a ceiling” in implementing its provisions. Read the full civil society statement here. More to follow on this important process.
International Migrants’ Day Resources
Check out our informational page on International Migrants’ Day, including background information, downloadable flyers in English and Spanish, and more resources to help you organize your IMD activities.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, resources and videos, Stand Up for the Human Rights of All Migrants
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Endorse the Call for U.S. Ratification of the UN Migrant Workers Convention
Click here to add your organization’s name to the pledge of support for U.S. ratification of the UN Migrant Workers Convention. This is part of our ongoing initiative to emphasize the importance of U.S. acknowledgement and respect for the human rights of migrants.
Click here to add your individual name to the pledge of support for ratification of the Migrant Workers Convention.
Click here for more information about the Convention.
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Holiday orders for Just Borders t-shirts and Recipes on the Movecookbook: Order by 12/20 for holiday gift-giving
Migrants’ Rights are Human Rights!