Education & Capacity Building

NNIRR actively supports education and capacity building to help forge a multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual and anti-oppression movement led by those bearing the brunt of the effects of injustice and oppression: low-income immigrant and refugee communities themselves.

Grounded in popular education methods and philosophies, NNIRR has worked to build tools and spaces to share our experiences, understand those of others, share strategies, and develop collective visions for a better world. NNIRR’s popular education curriculum, BRIDGE (Building a Race & Immigration Dialogue in the Global Economy), offers a simple framework for facilitation and topics for discussion that tackle the complex and often divisive issues of race, immigration, gender, globalization and its impact on all of these, and more.


Since the November 2016 elections, NNIRR has received numerous requests for informational and educational tools, including purchases of our popular BRIDGE curricula.

To support local dialogue, we are offering here, for free download, a new “Immigration Quiz”, available in English and in Spanish, as well as a few initial tools for facilitation and community dialogue that are excerpts from BRIDGE. These materials are meant to help get groups started and can be used in a variety of settings: from small discussions in your living room among friends, to classrooms of all ages, to community meetings, to public forums.

As a reminder, you can also download for free, Building Immigrant Community Power Through Legislative Advocacy, a workshop to develop a plan to put pressure on our elected officials at all levels of government.


Our Methodology – why and how to use popular education

Setting the Agenda & Ground Rules

Tips for Effective Facilitation

Conducting Evaluations

Interpretation & Translation

Immigration Quiz in English

Immigration Quiz in Spanish

Building Immigrant Community Power Through Legislative Advocacy

This workshop for BRIDGE was created as a tool for organizers, community groups, educators, activists and leaders to support our work to affect and shape the change we want to see. Focused on work at the federal level, the popular education elements of this module can easily be applied to our work at state and local levels. Developed by Rosita Choy and Eunice Cho with input and support from community groups, advocates and activists throughout the country.


  • Building a Race and Immigration Dialogue in the Global Economy (BRIDGE). The BRIDGE curriculum is a set of popular education tools and exercises designed to engage immigrant and refugee community members in dialogue about racism, labor, migration and global economic structures in relation to migration. Click here to read a description of the eight BRIDGE modules.
  • UPROOTED: Refugees of the Global Economy is a compelling documentary video produced by NNIRR to describe how the global economy has forced people to leave their home countries. UPROOTED presents three stories of immigrants who left their homes in Bolivia, Haiti, and the Philippines after global economic powers devastated their countries, only to face new challenges in the United States. These powerful stories raise critical questions about U.S. immigration policy in an era when corporations cross borders at will. UPROOTED is available for purchase (in English with Spanish subtitles). Contact if interested.
  • Immigrant and Refugee Rights Training Institutes (IRRTI). National and regional trainings have provided a space for community organizers and leaders to develop their skills and analyses as popular education facilitators in the context of movement building. As an example, click here to read a report from the amazing Southeast regional IRRTI that took place in North Carolina in 2007.