This page provides links to the latest Know Your Rights flyers and fact sheets, produced by our friends at different immigrant legal advocate organizations.
If you know of additional resources that should be listed here, please let us know:
Esta página ofrece enlaces a diferentes folletos y hojas informativas más recientes del tipo Conozca Sus Derechos, producidos por nuestros amigos de diferentes organizaciones de abogados en la defensa de los derechos de los inmigrantes.
Si conoce de recursos adicionales que se deben incluir aquí, por favor mandarnos un email a:
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Immigrants’ Participation in Protests
We Have Rights (English) | Tenemos derechos (español) | We Have Rights (Arabic)
We Have Rights (Mandarin) | We Have Rights (Haitian-Creole)
We Have Rights (Russian) | We Have Rights (Urdu)
We Know Our Rights Downloadable & Streaming Video Toolkit
(in Spanish & English)
- National Lawyers Guild San Francisco Bay Area Chapter: WE KNOW OUR RIGHTS Video Series & Toolkit – video shorts in Spanish & English for Know Your Rights
- Bilingual We Know Our Rights Video Series
- We Know Our Rights Downloadable Toolkit
Downloadable Know Your Rights Flyers & Pocket Cards | Folletos Y Tarjetas De Bolsillo Descarcables Para Que Conozca Sus Derechos
- Know Your Rights: Everyone has certain basic rights, no matter who is president | Conozca Sus Derechos: Todos tienen ciertos básicos, sin importar quien sea presidente | 了解你的權利 | 여러분의 권리를 알아 두십시오 | اعرف حقوقك , NILC
- Know Your Rights in the Border Zone
- Know Your Rights at Home and at Work | Conozca sus derechos en su hogar y su trabajo respecto a Inmigración, NILC
- Know Your Rights if ICE agents are at your door | ¿Qué hacer si ICE está a tu puerta?, ACLU
- Know Your Rights When Encountering Immigration Enforcement ACLU
- Know Your Rights at Airports And Other Ports of Entry into the US, ACLU
- Know Your Rights with Border Patrol, ACLU
- Know Your Rights for Healthcare Providers and Patients, NILC
- Immigrants’ Participation in Protest: What Every Worker Should Know | La participación de los inmigrantes en las protestas: lo que todo trabajador debe saber, NILC
Informed Immigrant a website with Know Your Rights resources & much more
- For individuals looking for resources & guides for undocumented immigrants on rights, family preparedness and more.
- For service providers and educators looking for help to support undocumented families.
Lineas Directas y Aplicaciones en Caso de Redadas de la Policía de Inmigración y Aduanas (Ice)
- United We Dream MigraWatch Hotline 1-844-363-1423
- United We Dream Notifica App
- Houston Immigrants’ Rights Hotline 1-833-HOU-IMMI
- ACLU of Texas MigraCam
For more hotlines please click the following link | Para acceder más líneas directas haz clic en el siguiente enlace:
Immigration hotlines have been established throughout the country to respond, verify and denounce immigration raids
Líneas directas de inmigración han sido establecidas a través del país para responder, verificar, y denunciar las redadas inmigratorias.
- Informed Immigrant Emergency Plan for Detained or Deported Family Members
- SEIU Raids Response Checklist
- CLINIC: Emergency Planning Guide
- Michigan Immigrant Rights Center Preparing Your Family Guide in English and Spanish & Family Preparedness for Immigration Enforcement Video in English or in Spanish
- What to Do if ICE Shows Up at Your Home | Qué hacer si Inmigración (ICE) Llega a su Casa, NDLON
- What to Do if ICE Stops You in the Street or in a Public Place | Qué hacer si Inmigración (ICE) le Para en la Calle o en un Lugar Público, NDLON
- What to Do if ICE Shows Up at Your Workplace | Qué hacer si la Migra (ICE) Llega a su Trabajo, NDLON
- What to Do if You Are Arrested | Qué Hacer Si Le Arrestan, NDLON
- What to Do if A Loved One is Arrested | Qué Hacer si un Ser Querido es Arrestado, NDLON
- What to Do if You are Stopped by Police, Immigration Agents, or the FBI | Que Hacer si Está Parado por la Policía, Agentes de Inmigracion, o el FBI, ACLU
For more information please click the link below // Para acceder mas informaction haga clic en el siguiente enlance
- The Immigrant Defense Project created a set of resources providing information on raids and ways to prepare for them in case they occur // The Immigrant Defense Project creó una lista de recursos con información acerca de redadas de inmigración y maneras para prepararse en caso que occuren
- Learn, Share, Fight Back : the short immigration guide to how arrests & convictions separate families | Aprenda, comparta y luche : Una guía corta de inmigración acerca de como arrestos y condenas separan a las familias, National Immigration Project of the Natonal Lawyers Guild
- A free multilingual guide for non-U.S. citizens coming to Canada from the U.S. to make a refugee claim | Una guía sobre los derechos de cualquier persona sin ciudadanía americana cruzando desde los Estados Unidos para pedir asilo en Canadá, No One Is Illegal and the Immigration Legal Committee of the Law Union of Ontario. For more information and other translation, click here