Haitian TPS, earthquake recovery & TPS for countries in crisis

We continue to express our support and solidarity for the people of Haiti after the devastating earthquake on August 14th that has created an even deeper humanitarian crisis in Haiti. While we applaud the hard-won designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti, we are deeply concerned by continued deportations of Haitians and join in the following call…

Take Action! Call or email the White House with this demand:

We call on the Biden administration to halt all deportations to Haiti and extend the cut-off date for Haitian TPS in light of the recent devastating disaster.

After years of pressure by community groups TPS for Haiti was finally published in the Federal Register Notice (FRN), allowing Haitians in the United States on or before July 29, 2021 to apply. Given the current circumstances, we believe there is cause to extend the cut-off date and expand eligibility for Haitians to apply for TPS.


  • These are three groups NNIRR has worked with who continue to do round-the-clock, amazing advocacy and direct support programs for Haiti and Haitians in the U.S.

Haitian Bridge Alliance

Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees

Family Action Network Movement (Based in Haitian community in Miami)



In addition to Haiti, there are urgent calls for TPS to be granted for Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mauritania, and Nepal. Each of these countries have circumstances that the State Department should deems as unsafe, and therefore prompt the designation of TPS.

For information:

TPS advocacy for Cameroon

TPS advocacy for Nepal

TPS advocacy for Ethiopia

TPS advocacy for Mauritania


Read this letter from a consortium of 30 Cities asking for TPS for 15 countries.

We, the undersigned mayors, respectfully request that you conduct an immediate review of at least the following 15 countries for eligibility to designate or redesignate for Temporary Protected Status (TPS): Afghanistan,1 the Bahamas, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Lebanon, Mauritania, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Sudan.