Over the years, NNIRR has taken consistent, rights-based positions on immigration policy and reform proposals. Following are some key documents that reflect these principles and positions:
NNIRR Statement on Day 1 Executive Orders and priorities for changes moving forward. (January 2021)
Fair, Just, Humane Immigration Reform A snapshot of NNIRR’s key proposals for immigration reform in the present round. Download the PDF.
NNIRR’s Vision & Principles for the Challenges and Hopes for 2009 and Beyond (Oct 2008): On the eve of the November 2008 presidential election, NNIRR shared its hopes for immigration reform.
Open Letter to President Barack Obama (January 2009) Over 3500 organizations and individuals signed NNIRR’s “Open Letter to President Barack Obama,” expressing our hopes and concerns for the health and welfare of immigrant communities, on the eve of his inauguration in January 2009.
National Statement to Support Human and Civil Rights for All Immigrants And to Oppose Compromise Immigration Reform Proposals (April 2006) NNIRR led the drafting of a nationwide statement calling for fair and just immigration reforms as the House considered the repressive Sensenbrenner bill and the Senate pondered compromise legislation.
- Immigration Reform Bills Comparison Chart (as of June 2006)
Dignity, Justice And Legalization (September 2003) During the Immigrant Worker Freedom Ride initiative, the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and an ad hoc coalition of immigrant rights groups proposed these “principles” and points as a “guide” to supporting legalization and other immigration legislation and policies.
National Legalization Campaign principles (March 2001) Grassroots groups around the country were calling for legalization, bringing their message to Congress. These principles were defined through the participation of dozens of groups as a starting point for shared values towards a national campaign for legalization.